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Sunday, August 25, 2024
10:00am to 1:00pm
Westport Growth Center
4104 Central, Kansas City, MO 64111
1.5 CEU’s Available for Workshop Attendees
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Click HERE to email Peg Marland
and reserve your seat.
Who may attend: Licensed Professional Counselors, Social Workers, Psychologists, Ministers, or other licensed practitioners. Students attending school in one of these fields of study with the intent of obtaining licensure may also attend.
There is no charge. Seating is limited to 10 participants. Potential participants do have to make pre-register to reserve a spot at this workshop.
Contact: Peg Marland at 816-361-8065 or by e-mail
Free 3-hour workshop for future trainees who are interested in a Body Centered Gestalt Therapy approach. An orientation workshop designed to define for potential trainees the theoretical and therapeutic frameworks of the Integrative Psychotherapy Training Program of KC.
Discussion of the composite parts of Body Centered Gestalt Therapy and a demonstration piece of work by one of our trainers with one of our current trainees. Emphasis on the safety aspect of psychotherapy.
Those composite parts of the Integrative Psychotherapy Training Program include: Gestalt Therapy, Bioenergetic Analysis, Body Process and Somatic reality, Satir’s Communication Theory, Personal Totem Pole Process, Ceremony and Spirituality, Environmental Consciousness and Mindfulness.
In the program you will learn to:
- See clients’ struggles in a heartfelt manner.
- Pay attention to and work with deeper messages and subtle energies beneath surface communications.
- Help clients understand and appreciate how each self-defeating behavior started as a protection of the core self and assist them as they learn to address their needs and fears as they relate to the self-defeating behaviors.
- Help clients experience the changes that can evolve from being both accepted by others for who they are and by accepting themselves.
- Assist clients as they step into the world in responsible and empowered ways, reaching out with clarity and setting appropriate boundaries for themselves.

We believe that the decision to seek therapy involves a desire to heal a basic alienation from self.
We come into the world fully alive and one with ourselves and our spirits, but many forces at work in our culture and families split us from our basic selves.
We survive by forming protective emotional shields or defenses that are also manifested in our bodies. Later, we may feel bad or guilty about these survival strategies we came to rely on, while not having full awareness of their source.
We believe therapy is a process of discovering what occurred in our childhoods that caused each of us to form our own personalities and at times become alienated from our core selves.
By trusting the wisdom of our bodies, supporting our embodied experiences, and reconnecting with our spirits, we can become aware how our childhoods shaped our adult personalities.
We believe that the essence of therapy is the reclaiming of our humanness and, thereby, our power and our spirits.